Friday, March 27, 2020

Why Should You Take A PPH Course?

Why Should You Take A PPH Course?If you are interested in learning about a popular course in organic chemistry that is also extremely popular, then PPH3 Organic Chemistry is the perfect choice for you. The course takes you on a journey through all the exciting, but often challenging, concepts and techniques that are essential to becoming an organic chemist. This course is so well known that it has become one of the most sought after courses in the world of chemistry.You can study PPH on your own, or join a PPH-based group in your area to work with others who share your interest. You can also consider taking a PPH-based exam for a degree. This can be an ideal opportunity to study for a chemistry exam or to earn additional qualifications, while making a great personal project for students who want to excel in this particular subject.There are some great benefits to studying online with PPH. First, you don't have to compromise on quality. No matter which university you attend, there wil l always be many more talented and motivated students who would have taken up the full course. Online studies enable them to work at their own pace and schedule, unlike when they attend lectures in a classroom environment.Second, you will be able to work at your own pace, you will not be held back by deadlines, and you can study from anywhere in the world you wish. Some universities are particularly good at maintaining online access, which makes it easier for students to get in touch with professors and instructors. It is very important for your career as an organic chemist if you have a proper grounding in this subject. As you can imagine, this is a very challenging subject, and the more you know, the better.When taking a PPH online course, you will be exposed to a number of organic chemistry topics. You will learn about chemistry, metallurgy, spectroscopy, quantum chemistry, solar cells, thermodynamics, and biomolecules. As you progress through the courses, you will also be taught about several other interesting areas such as lasers, photoanalyses, graphene, and electronic devices. By studying online, you will have access to lectures, hands-on training and seminars and labs.So, what makes the online learning experience so exceptional? One major advantage is that there is no pressure. You will not be subjected to abrupt or unnecessary demands that only stress you out. As a result, you will be able to get in a lot of practice with your lectures, and practice makes perfect.In addition, you will have access to a wider variety of materials than if you were to study in a lecture hall. You will have materials to choose from, enabling you to explore them whenever you want, rather than only during lectures.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Succeed in any Math Class

How to Succeed in any Math Class A challenging math class is a veritable rite of passage for students across the world. Working on problem sets late into the night can be frustrating, but most of us who have been through the gauntlet can recall moments of triumph when a particularly tricky concept is understood at last. Here at AJ, it is the mission of our mathematics departments to make our students’ first engagements with math as enjoyable and rewarding as they can be. In this article, I’ll discuss some wisdom gleaned from working with hundreds of Bay Area math students.First off, the most critical advice I can give to students is to engage actively with their homework assignments as a means of deepening conceptual understanding and preparing for successful test-taking. Students, parents, and tutors understand that assignments should be completed regularly in order to learn the material effectively. Doing so is essential, but for many students it is ultimately too shallow a level of engagement. You can read mo re about our math tutoring approach here.Students and parents often share that they feel that tests and quizzes do not reflect the difficulty or style of homework problems. Students complete the homework, feel comfortable with the problems, study diligently, yet they walk away from tests feeling blindsided. How can we address this? Here are some tips:Complete assignments regularly and on time. There is no substitute for consistent practice, though I will discuss ways to build upon it.Be aware of what topics you are responsible for knowing. This might sound obvious, but this information creates a list of goals and objectives that can guide learning and test preparation.Think actively about assignments. Teachers assign problems carefullyâ€"consider what concepts or skills were tested for each question. Create outlines to address critical thinking questions and word problems, especially harder questions. For example, you might categorize the question based on learning objectives or tec hniques that were required. Take special note of questions that combine multiple concepts.Students frequently feel that test questions are not representative of homework assignments. There are certainly times where students are tested on their problem solving ability and their improvisational skills. However, more often than not it is that the problems have been disguised or modified so that students need to think while working problems rather than relying on rote memorization. Points #3 and #4 above encourage students to apply metacognition to their learning and preparation.It can be difficult to implement points #3 and #4 in practice (especially #4). Generally, students should not attempt these tasks until they are capable of solving the associated problems without assistance.A technique that can help with point #3 is for a student to ask herself, “Why did my teacher assign these questions?” Ideally, a student can look at a homework problem and say, “This question is relevan t because. . .” This level of familiarity with questions will improve recall and allow students to work more quickly and efficiently in test scenarios.Point #4 is trickier, but ultimately once a student can comfortably solve a word problem she can begin to consider which parts of the solution are most important in the context of their current chapter or unit. Be careful not to be overly specific. The goal is not to plan solutions entirely in advance but rather to deconstruct hard problems into easier problems and to look for patterns in our solutions. This task should provide students with a foundation of problems that they can solve while allowing the flexibility to adapt to problems that look different.The student’s teacher is a great resource because teachers, knowing the exams, can indicate which topics to prioritize. The textbook is also an excellent resource as it will often have categorized questions by topic. Additionally, our tutoring team is an excellent resource becau se 1-on-1 tutoring is highly effective in demonstrating, in a customized way, how students can categorize questions or how they can develop plans of attack for tougher questions.AJ can support students and families by modeling the above behaviors in sessions. Our tutors are very experienced and can generally match problems to previously defined categories on the fly. Walking our students through this process will help improve their confidence and their conceptual understanding. We can also help by reminding students that thoughtful engagement with practice material is a long term strategy and will take time to develop.A final piece of advice for math students new and experienced alike: learn to be comfortable even in the face of uncertainty. It’s easier said than done, of course, but it is an invaluable skill. The strategies listed previously can go a long way.

Language Challenge Dont Give Up!

Language Challenge Dont Give Up! Language Challengers Youre ALMOST DONE! Language Challengers Youre ALMOST DONE! For those of you who are taking the challenge, youre halfway through the language challenge and we know its tough, but dont give up! Learning a language can be hard, and the number one thing preventing learners from finishing what they start is a drop in motivation. So to help you succeed, here are some tips for staying motivated. 1. Why? The one-worded question where all of this began. Why are you taking this challenge?  You wanted to learn a new language! 2. Stop focusing so much on the negatives. Bring out the positives and be proud of every achievement made, whether it be you finished another session, learned a new way of saying something or finally mastered some new vocabulary. 3. Understand that this isn’t meant to be easy. In fact it will be incredibly frustrating, but believe in yourself and you will go far. Doing 2-3 language lessons a week is tough but achievable. 4. You are not alone.  Talk with other challengers, post your achievements on our discussion pages to get encouragement from others.  Its always best when you share your achievements with others! 5. Focus on your goal Have fun. Look at what you’re doing and enjoy it.  The feeling of accomplishment (and the prize of 300ITC) that you will get when you complete the challenge is  something you should focus on.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Lexie Language Challenge Week 2

Lexie Language Challenge Week 2 So Jim sat down with me today to check how my Language Challenge is going.  Below is our conversation about Week 2: Hows your Language Challenge Progress so far? Language Challenge Completed Sessions:  6 Language Challenge Sessions Remaining:  14 Session Schedule for Week 3:  3 So how are you feeling after week 2 of the Challenge? I feel that I am on the right track. Taking lessons absolute helps me to practice speaking French in an efficient way.  I feel learning a foreign language is a strange thing, even you stop to use this language for one week,  you really  feel that you start to fall behind, and you could not speak as well as before. Taking 3 sessions per week for me is not very easy because my job is really busy, and last week one of my French teacher was busy with his school stuff so he canceled one of the sessions.  There were a couple of days that I stopped taking lessons, but when I started back to taking it again I could feel that my French had regressed.  It really proves that I need to keep up with practicing more regularly in the future! Have you hit any problems or roadblocks with the Challenge?  How did you overcome them? Actually I bought two packages with two different teachers, and I have scheduled all packages lessons already, but last week the wifi at my place started to have problems.  One session went really badly and at the end I could not hear a word from the teacher although she could hear me clearly, that made me panic, because the Chinese New Year holiday is right around the corner and I have to take four sessions at home during the 7 day holiday.  Anyway I will try to figure it out.   I feel that whenever a teacher converses with me about general things in French, it went pretty well, but when we started to talk about specific topics by using certain grammars (le Subjonctif, le Conditionnel,etc), it always turned out to be really hard for me.  Anyway, I could tell you that back in November last year, the first time I started the lesson, I could only speak some words, now at least I could keep a conversation in French for at least 15 minutes, so no matter how frustrating it is sometime s, I will keep doing this because I know that I am progressing in this way. What has been the hardest thing about the Challenge? Ahhhhh..There is nothing hard about the challenge, the hard part is learning the language. Just need time to take lessons, but it is beneficial for myself, so it is good. Do you feel your French improving?  Are you satisfied with your progress so far? I feel my French improved a lot in the first week, but as I said, last week was pretty frustrating because I only took 2 lessons and I could feel I fell behind a little bit, and the bad Wifi situation. I hope I could keep on progressing like the first week in the coming next few weeks. Since with the community tutor we only talk about general stuff, so during the conversation I could feel my progression, and the teacher made the comment to me saying I was dealing with it really well.^_^ What advice do you have for our other italki Challengers? MmmmmI bet different people are in different tracks, and I hope everyone is doing well on what they need. I know it is easy to take 2-3 lessons per week at the beginning, but it will be hard to insist on it for one month and a half. But I believe some of them could already feel the progressing so just keep doing it. If you feel things are not going well, I suggest you to change a teacher. On italki one of the best things is that you could switch your teacher at anytime, try to find a teacher that you could get the most benefit from! Anything else youd like to add? I really wanna pray for a better Wifi connection at my place for the next coming weeks! Lexie Language Challenge Week 2 So Jim sat down with me today to check how my Language Challenge is going.  Below is our conversation about Week 2: Hows your Language Challenge Progress so far? Language Challenge Completed Sessions:  6 Language Challenge Sessions Remaining:  14 Session Schedule for Week 3:  3 So how are you feeling after week 2 of the Challenge? I feel that I am on the right track. Taking lessons absolute helps me to practice speaking French in an efficient way.  I feel learning a foreign language is a strange thing, even you stop to use this language for one week,  you really  feel that you start to fall behind, and you could not speak as well as before. Taking 3 sessions per week for me is not very easy because my job is really busy, and last week one of my French teacher was busy with his school stuff so he canceled one of the sessions.  There were a couple of days that I stopped taking lessons, but when I started back to taking it again I could feel that my French had regressed.  It really proves that I need to keep up with practicing more regularly in the future! Have you hit any problems or roadblocks with the Challenge?  How did you overcome them? Actually I bought two packages with two different teachers, and I have scheduled all packages lessons already, but last week the wifi at my place started to have problems.  One session went really badly and at the end I could not hear a word from the teacher although she could hear me clearly, that made me panic, because the Chinese New Year holiday is right around the corner and I have to take four sessions at home during the 7 day holiday.  Anyway I will try to figure it out.   I feel that whenever a teacher converses with me about general things in French, it went pretty well, but when we started to talk about specific topics by using certain grammars (le Subjonctif, le Conditionnel,etc), it always turned out to be really hard for me.  Anyway, I could tell you that back in November last year, the first time I started the lesson, I could only speak some words, now at least I could keep a conversation in French for at least 15 minutes, so no matter how frustrating it is sometime s, I will keep doing this because I know that I am progressing in this way. What has been the hardest thing about the Challenge? Ahhhhh..There is nothing hard about the challenge, the hard part is learning the language. Just need time to take lessons, but it is beneficial for myself, so it is good. Do you feel your French improving?  Are you satisfied with your progress so far? I feel my French improved a lot in the first week, but as I said, last week was pretty frustrating because I only took 2 lessons and I could feel I fell behind a little bit, and the bad Wifi situation. I hope I could keep on progressing like the first week in the coming next few weeks. Since with the community tutor we only talk about general stuff, so during the conversation I could feel my progression, and the teacher made the comment to me saying I was dealing with it really well.^_^ What advice do you have for our other italki Challengers? MmmmmI bet different people are in different tracks, and I hope everyone is doing well on what they need. I know it is easy to take 2-3 lessons per week at the beginning, but it will be hard to insist on it for one month and a half. But I believe some of them could already feel the progressing so just keep doing it. If you feel things are not going well, I suggest you to change a teacher. On italki one of the best things is that you could switch your teacher at anytime, try to find a teacher that you could get the most benefit from! Anything else youd like to add? I really wanna pray for a better Wifi connection at my place for the next coming weeks!

4 Ways to Bounce Back After You Dont Get Your Dream Job

4 Ways to Bounce Back After You Don't Get Your Dream Job Image via Pexels After the long and arduous process of polishing up your resume, cleaning up your social media profiles, relentlessly practicing and rehearsing interview answers, and finding the very best outfit to wear, I am burdened with the task of telling you that unfortunately, you didn’t get the job. Whether you see those words in an email or hear them in a phone call, they are absolutely soul-crushing. Sometimes some rejections are easier to cope with and understand more than others, while some just leave you questioning every little thing you said, gestured or done and what made you imperfect for the position. Getting rejected and not getting the job you applied for can be disappointing and leave you discouraged about applying to other jobs altogether. While you may feel bummed about this, there are a few things you can do to boost your mood, gain your confidence back and increase your productivity. Are you a college student or recent graduate? Have you been looking and applying for jobs but haven’t had the best of luck? Looking for ways to cope with job rejection? Check out these four tips that will help you get back out there and keep hunting for your dream job! Image via Pexels 1. Take Your Time to Grieve: Just like any kind of rejection, it is definitely appropriate to take time to grieve what happened and the job you didn’t get. Go for a walk, hibernate in bed with Netflix, cry it out, order some take-out- do something that makes you feel better and gets your mind off the loss of the job you didn’t get. There’s nothing wrong with expressing your emotions and letting out any pent-up sadness or anger you may have about this rejection. Just don’t stay in this place of grief forever, do what you have to do and move on! You won’t do yourself any good being closed off and isolated from the world, especially the job world. 2. Give Thanks: In a negative mindset, this may seem like the very last  thing you want to do, but trust me, it’s the right way to go. After you’ve grieved properly, consider sending a short thank you note or email to the person that interviewed you, thanking them for their consideration and time reviewing you as a potential candidate for a position with their company. This will not only make you feel better, but it will also make a lasting impression with your interviewer. Perhaps a new position will open up in the future, and guess who will be considered above everyone else? You! Image via Pexels 3. Remember Your Successes:  When you get rejected and don’t get the job you wanted, its very easy (and human) to fall into a negative mindset and focus on everything that went wrong. Instead of doing this, get a piece of paper and some colorful pens and write out your many successes that brought you to the place you are now. Adrian Granzella of the Muse helps with this by reminding us, “No, you didn’t get the job. But before that, there were lots of things that went right. Right? Your resume, cover letter, or networking caught the eye of the hiring manager. You told great stories in the interview. You beat out other candidates to make it to the final round. Heck, you found your dream job in the first place!” 4. Respectfully Ask for Feedback: After not getting the job, one of the most pressing thoughts in our head is, “What went wrong?” In the thank you note/email, kindly make it known that you’d like some feedback. Granzella gives a perfect way of asking for feedback through this short and sweet statement- “If there’s anything I can do to improve my candidacy for similar positions, I’d value your thoughts.” This is the perfect way to ask for feedback while also being formal and expressing value in the opinion of the company/interviewer. At some point in our lives, we will all face some kind of rejection in the job world. Unfortunately, there will come a time when there’s a candidate more experienced, fit, and appropriate for the position we are looking for. Despite this reality, we can easily bounce back and immerse ourselves in the job market again after caring for ourselves and figuring out where we need to improve. Just be persistent and focus on the positives. As always, good luck!

5 Summer Science Projects for Kids

5 Summer Science Projects for Kids Summer Science Ideas We all know that summer reading is really important for the elementary school kids out there and for older students it’s all about test prep (READ 5 Ways to Encourage Summer Reading). More often than not I hear from parents of young children that their kids just need a break over the summer or that, especially this year, the kids got out so late in June that it only seems fair to allow them some time to just play outside and socialize. I completely agree that young kids need time to relax and have fun during the summer but what if they were able to learn something while thinking they were just playing? That would be pretty nice and it would keep those little brains working so that they are ready for what lies ahead in the fall. Top 5 Summer Science Projects for Pre-school and elementary students 1. Blanket Fort (or castle) Does anyone remember making a blanket fort when they were a kid? I did and it was tons of fun. Believe it or not, making a blanket fort can teach young kids about gravity, spatial stability and team cooperation. This particular project will take some patience on mom and dad’s part; the blankets and sheets do need to be folded up at the end of the project. On the plus side, the project can be done in the house and it is completely free. Get some blankets, sheets and pillows, a few weights (heavy books, shoes o reven a shampoo bottle can work) To make the project more educational ask your kid to separate the items by weight. For example, the heavy quilt should be at the bottom and the lighter sheets at the top. When the first version of the fort falls down, talk to the kids about gravity and why things fall down. Let the kids built their fort or castle all day and watch them enjoy using their imagination. They can use the books to hold down the loose sheets or to create a wall. (READ: Physics for Kids: Laws of Motion) 2. The Apple and the Tree Once the little ones have mastered their first architectural wonder, and lived in it for a couple of days, teach them more about Newton’s Laws. Every week I buy celery convincing myself that, this week, I will eat it. At the end of the week it ends up in the compost pile. If this happens to you, save those to-old-to-eat fruits and veggies and teach the kids about gravity. Each kid gets a piece of fruit or vegetable; they stand up on chairs in the back yard and release them at the same time (a good project for siblings or with friends). Another kid, or adult, measures which object hits the ground first. (They should hit at the same time assuming there is not any wind that day). Guess what? You have just taught your kids about physics! (READ: Which Hits The Ground First: A Golf Ball Or A Bowling Ball?) 3. The short term “pet” caterpillars I hear kids asking mom and dad for a pet cat or pet dog all the time. Start out with a caterpillar and see how it goes. In the mean time, the kids will be learning all about science and life cycles. This is a multi-day project so there are a few days of learning and fun ahead. First you will have to go hunting for caterpillars, if you have an organic garden or live near a park, you should find one there. Don’t squeeze the caterpillar or there will likely be tears (and a dead caterpillar). Make a good home for the caterpillar. A plastic milk jug cut in half and a piece of cheese cloth and rubber band to cover the top should be a good start. Put some moist soil at the bottom of the jug (about 2 inches) along with some green leaves for it to eat. Add some bigger leaves and twigs so that the caterpillar feels at home. The caterpillar will need to eat the same type of leaves from its host plant, so grab some from your garden. Hint: Don’t put the caterpillar in direct sunlight or you will have a melted mess and lots of tears. (READ: How to Care for a Caterpillar) Wait for your crawly caterpillar to turn into a beautiful butterfly and let it fly away! 4. Water Content in Fruit Lots of kids enjoy raisins and other dried fruit for a snack, but do they know how these snacks start out? Try doing a science project where kids can pick out a few different types of fruit (bananas and grapes work great) and figure out how much water is in them. Choose and peel some fruit of your choice. Weigh the fruit and keep a log. Dry the fruit in the sun or in the oven. Weigh the dried fruit afterward and compare. Hint: This particular dried fruit may not be suitable for eating so use it for science exploration only and enjoy some dried fruit from the store if you want to eat it. 5. Vibrant flowers This is one of my favorites from when I was a kid. Kids can see how veins work using a few things around the house. Buy some flowers on sale; they must be white or very light colored such as daisies. Cut the stems and set them aside. -Put some food coloring in different vases and add water. You can use red, yellow and blue or a mixture of any colors. -Put the freshly cut flowers in each vase and watch the petals turn a different color in just a few days. Science projects can be a great way to keep those little minds ticking away over the summer and learning can be both fun and inexpensive. Enjoy! If your child is struggling in science, make sure you get them an Irvine private science tutor early on in the year. The longer you wait, the farther behind they will get. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about. Orange County parents and students, listen up! Beat the summer slowdown with a private, in-home tutor. We work around your schedule so you can stay sharp while having fun in the sun. Read: 10 Reasons You Need a Summer Tutor. What are you waiting for? Call us.

What Are the Major Benefits of Getting A Visit With Geronimo Allison Tutoring?

What Are the Major Benefits of Getting A Visit With Geronimo Allison Tutoring?The reason why a team of dynamic student coaches and teachers can contribute so much to making the student-athletes understand what it takes to win is one of the many reasons why Geronimo Allison Tutoring has emerged as one of the top sports coaching schools in the country. The school has been around for decades and has a proven track record. Not only do students get help, but the coaching staff too is supported by good professional instructors. Many of these students are so successful that their families follow them in other careers.If you want to know more about the teachers and coaches, their jobs and the campus that they work out of, you can look into their daily schedules. For the most part, the teaching and coaching staff work from either an office or the campus. Many times, there are several coaches and support staff on campus and often work with one teacher on a daily basis. If you want a wide varie ty of subjects, you might need to schedule a tour of the campus with Geronimo Allison Tutoring.The students here receive a wonderful education. The teachers and coaches have helped many students achieve their goals. Students receive academic instruction from the very beginning through the end of the day. All tutors have their own experiences to share with their students. The amount of time it takes students to become the best they can be is short and most of them surpass expectations.When it comes to coaching, you can expect all areas of their preparation to be comprehensive. They offer guidance to the student's entire educational process from the beginning of the day until they graduate. They are well versed in all levels of subjects so you are not just going to learn in one area, but every subject. Students enjoy their services because they believe in their students' abilities. They take the time to develop the attitude that each student needs to succeed.It is important to have th e right kind of classes to meet your needs. You can check the daily schedule for the day or evening and see if there are any that fit your needs. This will allow you to find the type of classes that fit the needs of your child and their readiness.Don't just sit back and look at the daily schedule. There are plenty of things to look at and understand. Often, the best way to find what works best for you is to schedule a visit. This is a lot easier than wasting time visiting campus. A visit will give you a better idea of what kind of classes you should choose for your child.If you are not in position to make the trip, make sure that you study your child's future prospects. Make sure that he or she is getting the best possible education possible.

Dogfish Head Romantic Chemistry - How to Turn a Dogfish Into a Real-Life Friend

Dogfish Head Romantic Chemistry - How to Turn a Dogfish Into a Real-Life FriendWhat does it take to make a man fall in love with a dogfish? Can dogfish head romantic chemistry really occur between two people? If the answer is yes, then you'll probably want to learn some tips on how to make that happen.Are you wondering if there's a way to turn a dogfish into a real person? Is it possible to make your dog really love you? Do dogs have feelings like humans do? We all know that dogs feel the same way as we do. Here are a few pointers to help you turn a dogfish into a real-life friend that you can really depend on.The first thing you need to do is show your dog love. Tell your dog that you love him or her. This is important because dogs feel love as much as humans do. Give your dog lots of love and praise, and make sure that he or she gets lots of love and praise back. You might also want to look into adopting a dog, or adopting a puppy or a cat if you're not quite ready to be a dog owne r yet.The next step is to get your dog to love you in return. To do this, give your dog lots of love and attention, but don't forget to also give your dog lots of praise. Make sure that both of you know when to stop praising your dog and when to start praising your dog for the little things, like the way that you handle him or her, or how well your dog obeys your commands.Start to understand what you have in common with your dog. Dogs share similar basic emotions such as fear, love, and loyalty. As you continue to work together to love each other, the dogfish head romantic chemistry will come about naturally.Time again, we humans have failed to communicate with one another. By listening to your dog, communicating, and loving your dog, you can be sure that love will happen. In the end, you'll both understand that love is real, and that you can't really ask for any more than that.These are just a few tips on how to make dogfish head romantic chemistry happen. However, the truth is tha t you can have a strong and loving relationship with your dog. Just make sure that you're doing the right things will happen.

What Is Chemistry Is A Must Read For High School Students

What Is Chemistry Is A Must Read For High School StudentsWhat Is Chemistry is a book that does more than just teach chemistry. It teaches the basics of how the five basic elements work and what they do. It also teaches how to use elements like aluminum, oxygen, potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, manganese, iron, copper, lead, sulfur, bromine, and chlorine to manufacture new compounds. As a result, it is used to help students learn more about the nature of chemical reactions and also how to use them to make things like plastics, fuels, and chemicals.What Is Chemistry also helps in the development of future engineers. Because the chemical elements can be made into various types of devices, a person who decides to study engineering needs to understand how to operate the device that will be made with the elements. By having a fundamental understanding of what a device uses when it works will help him or her to apply their knowledge in a way that will advance their careers.What Is Che mistry is very popular among both high school and college students. It has been an invaluable teaching tool for those students who have been lacking in the fundamentals of the subject. With so many opportunities available in the world today, there is no reason why anyone who has studied chemistry as part of their high school curriculum should not take what Us Chemistry.What Is Chemistry was written by Dr. Benjamin Pope. The story revolves around a father, a son, and a daughter who become involved in the question of what science is. What makes the book unique is the fact that the reader learns a lot of information about the elements and the things that they can be used for.The lesson plan in What Is Chemistry is very simple. There are several lessons that cover each element and how it can be used to create a variety of chemical compounds. For example, there is a lesson that covers bromine and chlorine and teaches the student how to combine them together to create a liquid or gas.The lesson plans in What Is Chemistry are very easy to follow. There are pictures to help guide the student through what it is that they are learning and there are timelines to follow to help give the information on how a device can be created.What Is Chemistry has proven to be an invaluable educational tool. Not only can it provide important information, but it can also be used to help students who have had difficulty learning about chemical reactions because they have had difficulties with the fundamentals of chemistry.